Meet Jasmine! She is my cousin who lives in the state of Louisiana. I loved getting to see her to take her portraits like this because I just don't get to see enough of her. She is a senior this year and is working extra hard to save up money to afford a degree. She is studying to get her diploma while also hustling on the side to make money for her future. She is a hard working woman who knows what she wants and is gonna get it, I truly believe that. It sucks that we don't get to see each other more often but i'm happy to whenever we are able to travel. In this case, she traveled to us in Texas because she wanted a change of scenery for her senior portraits. I was obviously happy to oblige!

Fun fact about me, since we're talking about family, me and my immediate family are actually the only ones to live in Texas. So when it comes to family gatherings, there's always a lot of travel and road trips involved. To add to the craziness, within my immediate family, we are ALL born in different states. Even including our two dogs! Here's the list: My mom was born in Illinois, my dad was born in California, my brother was born in Ohio and I was born in Missouri! We have literally been all over the place. To add, our oldest dog, Lexi, was born in Arkansas and finally, Dipper was born in Texas. You would think that I've spent my whole life traveling but that's actually not the case. When I was 3 years old, my parents bought their current home and raised both me and my brother there all our lives. So honestly, I forget that I was even born in Missouri in the first place.

It was fun showing Jasmine around Houston a little. We didn't go to many places but she definitely got a taste of our Texas driving. Which terrifies even me even though i've been here for so long. Thank you Jasmine for having me to take these senior portraits for you! I can't wait to see you again soon!